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Split Payments

When you upload an image and this image is a bill of a dinner, the app will process the image to extract the total amount and help you split the bill among the group members.

Main code

In this case the app replies with context about the group like users and commands.

import { HandlerContext } from "@xmtp/message-kit";
import { vision, textGeneration } from "../lib/openai.js";
export async function handler(context: HandlerContext) {
  if (!process?.env?.OPEN_AI_API_KEY) {
    console.log("No OPEN_AI_API_KEY found in .env");
  const {
    message: {
      content: { attachment },
  } = context;
  if (attachment && typeId === "remoteStaticAttachment") {
    const { data, filename, mimeType } = attachment;
    const response = await vision(
      "This image is the bill of a restaurant dinner. Return the total. If you can't find the total, return 'undefined'.",
    if (response?.includes("undefined")) {
    } else {
        "You uploaded a new bill. Let's go ahead and split the bill.",
    if (response) {
      const prompt = `You a split wise agent that splits the bill between the members of this group except for the sender and bot.\n
      These are the users of the group: ${JSON.stringify(members?.map((member) => ({ ...member, username: `@${member.username}` })))}\n
      This group app has many commands available: ${JSON.stringify(commands)}\n
      ## Instructions:
      When you receive the totals you should split the bill between the members of the group and send to each one a transaction frame
      - For the sake of this demo. Only send the payment to the sender not to all the other members.
      ### Return message
      Don't use markdown. Return messages in a json object The first message detailing the split. The second one you will send the command for the receiver to pay directly to the sender.
        "This are the details: Total: $49.52. Tip (20%): $9.90",
        "All users owe X USDC to @${sender?.username}. Pay here:",
        "/send @${sender?.username} $9.90"
      //I want the reply to be an array of messages so the bot feels like is sending multuple ones
      const { reply } = await textGeneration(response, prompt);
      let splitMessages = JSON.parse(reply);
      for (const message of splitMessages) {
        let msg = message as string;
        if (msg.startsWith("/")) await context.intent(msg);
        else await context.reply(msg);

OpenAI middleware

Install dependencies

yarn add openai

Copy the following code into your lib/openai.ts file.

import OpenAI from "openai";
const openai = new OpenAI({
  apiKey: process.env.OPEN_AI_API_KEY,
export async function textGeneration(userPrompt: string, systemPrompt: string) {
  let messages = [];
    role: "system",
    content: systemPrompt,
    role: "user",
    content: userPrompt,
  try {
    const response = await{
      model: "gpt-4o",
      messages: messages as any,
    const reply = response.choices[0].message.content;
      role: "assistant",
      content: reply || "No response from OpenAI.",
    const cleanedReply = reply
      ?.replace(/(\*\*|__)(.*?)\1/g, "$2")
      ?.replace(/\[([^\]]+)\]\(([^)]+)\)/g, "$2")
      ?.replace(/^#+\s*(.*)$/gm, "$1")
      ?.replace(/`([^`]+)`/g, "$1")
      ?.replace(/^`|`$/g, "");
    return { reply: cleanedReply as string, history: messages };
  } catch (error) {
    console.error("Failed to fetch from OpenAI:", error);
    throw error;
// New method to interpret an image
export async function vision(imageData: Uint8Array, systemPrompt: string) {
  const base64Image = Buffer.from(imageData).toString("base64");
  const dataUrl = `data:image/jpeg;base64,${base64Image}`;
  // Create a new thread for each vision request
  const visionMessages = [
      role: "system",
      content: systemPrompt,
      role: "user",
      content: [
        { type: "text", text: systemPrompt },
          type: "image_url",
          image_url: {
            url: dataUrl,
  try {
    const response = await{
      model: "gpt-4o",
      messages: visionMessages as any,
    return response.choices[0].message.content;
  } catch (error) {
    console.error("Failed to interpret image with OpenAI:", error);
    throw error;